Making Screenings Less Scary
Encouraging people to make appointments for preventative screenings can be a daunting task. Through research, we uncovered that people are much more likely to pay attention to animated content related to wellness and potentially scary topics like cancer and screenings. Not to mention, it’s a little easier on the budget to do some types of animated content over live action productions. So the “Centered On You” animated series was born. We covered topics like strokes, heart health, cancer screenings and more. The results were overwhelmingly positive delivering an unprecedented uptick in appointments and screenings booked for Baptist Health. Additional team credits: Trace Conn, Mark Rosenthal, Jacob Campbell
Choosing An Illustration Style
First, we needed to find an illustration style that would allow us to cover all of the different topics while providing enough detail to be understandable. We were also careful to pick a style that presented people in a relatable and non-creepy way. It was also important to choose a modern look and feel as well.