Galen College of Nursing

I’ve learned so much about nursing through working on so many different healthcare clients through the years. But it was my time spent on Galen that really opened my eyes to the profession. The dedication. The stamina. The skills. The empathy. And the sacrifice. Creating work for Galen was some of the most satisfying work of my career, especially during the pandemic. Below, you’ll see snippets from several campaigns. The first campaign was told through the eyes of a real nurse and how she was thankful that no one took it easy on her at Galen. The scene we recreated was one she had recently experienced and made her the perfect candidate for our campaign when we sought out Galen nurses to participate. Additional credits: Trace Conn and Mark Rosenthal

Making It Through The Pandemic

Like many people working on healthcare marketing teams around the pandemic, it was quite a crazy time. From trying to communicate safety protocols to the public to helping hospitals and communities say thank you to the healthcare professionals risking their lives, we had the chance to thank nurses everywhere for their help during such a difficult time. With little money, and little time, we created a campaign that started with this video below.

The World Needs Nurses

During the pandemic and as we came out of the chaos, the country was facing a nursing shortage. Now, more than ever, the world needed nurses. With little time and budget again, we crafted the “Start” campaign. It was created to target all those people out there who’ve always wanted to make a difference in the lives of others. And encouraging them to take that first step. To start the process. To start changing lives. To start making a difference.


Cancer Care


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